
My First Silver Point and  Gold Point Attempts 12x12 silverpoint drawing of several Da Vinci and Albrect Durer drawings drawn in the late 1400's and early 1500's. It will be in a local auction in Feb 2019 for student scholarships. Silverpoint is a silver wire in a pencil that when scratched on a special surface leaves a mark that can't be erased. Its not a picture that you can give a quick glance to. I find my eyes dancing around each picture. I used a Cretacolor stylist with an embedded silver wire. I never could find out what the silver content is. It cost $18. Now I would have spent $28 at and gotten 2 stylists with 2 different silver tips - .9mm and 2mm. Da Vinci in 24k This is drawn using goldpoint. It will also be in the auction in Feb 2019. Drawn with  24k gold stylist from Cost was $44 plus shipping. Looking back I would not get the gold again as the silver makes a slightly darker line and th